Monday, October 5, 2015

No alcohol = weight loss

Today is day 16 of my 30 day NO alcohol challenge. I can't believe that I am doing so well because I LOVE my wine! The first week was totally easy. The second week, however, was way more of a challenge. I had been staying away from my usual haunts where I would be tempted during the first few weeks, which proved to be a good idea. After getting stronger at willing myself to not give in to temptation, I was put to the ultimate test over the weekend. I was having dinner with friends and all were drinking.....except me! I kept club soda and lime in my glass and handled it just fine. :) So proud!

The result? Dropped 2 pounds the first week. Yay, cool, I was hoping that would happen. Now the real test. Since I also decided to eat healthier, the first week seemed like losing weight would be a no brianer. The second week I wasn't so tight with my clean eating. I indulged in a few desserts and things I would never eat on a "diet", like lavosh and pasta. Needless to say, I was very scared to look at the scale this morning. I jumped on, closed my eyes and hoped for a miracle. Miracle indeed! 4 more pounds gone! UNBELIEVABLE! A total of 6 pounds gone in two weeks, just from not drinking!

This is why I always tell people, don't drink your calories! But I'm usually referring to juice and pop when I say that. I was drinking far more than was a casual glass with dinner and I knew I needed to cut back. Not only have I slashed my total calorie intake for the week, but I've also changed the way my body metabolizes fat. If you look it up on the internet, you can read about how much easier it is for your body to let go of it's stored fat once alcohol is taken out of the picture.

I probably won't give up wine forever. For sure going to finish out these 30 days. After that, ONE glass at dinner now and then is going to be my limit. I'm loving this fat loss way too much to screw it up! I remember how defeated I felt working out like crazy and not ever changing - because of the alcohol I was consuming.

I'm still in shock though. The number on the scale is lower than it's been in probably 2 years! Want to drop weight fast? Drop the empty calories from alcohol and give your body a chance to work at it's optimum!

I successfully completed the 30 day challenge without so much as a sip of alcohol. The end result was the loss of 6 pounds and improved sleep and better skin. I am so happy that I did it! It's nearly 4 months later and I've kept the weight off! I've even contemplated trying another 30 days. :)

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