Thursday, May 5, 2016


So I've been sick. Really, REALLY sick.

Today is Thursday and it's the first time since Sunday that I've felt human. It all started late Sunday afternoon, I was feeling really bloated with a bit of stomach pain. Like, if I could pass a lot of gas I would feel better. By evening and overnight, the stomach pains were worse and my heart rate was elevated and my breathing was labored, and I was nauseas. All of those things combined was scary to me so I went into the ER to rule out anything serious. I usually have a resting heart rate of around 62, that morning it was 98! Not only that, but my usually stellar bp was at 174 over 108!

They drew blood, tested urine and took X-rays and all looked good. Thank God. But it still didn't explain why I was feeling so yucky. They hooked me up to an IV, I got some fluids, and pain meds as well as anti-nausea meds. I was feeling better after a few hours so I went home and went to bed. After the meds wore off, I was feeling yucky again :(

Over the course of the next 3 days, I was nauseas, vomiting, and had horrible stomach and back pain.
Eventually on the morning of the third day, the vomiting stopped, but then the diarrhea kicked in. (I know, tmi) And it was HORRID. I couldn't even take a sip of water without running into the bathroom 30 seconds later to get rid of it. Eventually I became so scared to intake anything for fear I would be in the bathroom again! And that is wrong because you have to be so careful about dehydration. And I could tell I was getting there. My mouth was SO dry, my skin was dry, the insides of my nostrils and throat were dry.

To explain the collage above, the fit bit (blurry of course) was to show you how little I moved during the days of my sickness. Yep, that's a whopping 345 steps. I'm not sure what time it was, maybe around 3:00 or 4:00pm. The only steps I got were to go to the bathroom and back to bed. The cracker was one of two I was able to eat on day two.....before they came back up. I also tried Ramen noodles. I think I got two spoonfulls. And they also came up. The lovely 90s brass ceiling fan represents the view I had for nearly 4 days.

Like I said, it's Thursday and I am actually up and at my desk at 7:00am. I am feeling better. Still weak, but finally feeling hungry. Yay, I have an appetite! I never thought I'd say that. I did make another cup of Ramen and I was eating it without cramps or running to the toilet. Although, I must have been a little too excited and eating too much too fast....too much of a good thing sent me flying to the bathroom again. Dang! But it's a start. Improvement. I'll take it! :)

In the end, I believe I was infected with the Norovirus. My husband has had it twice and knows what it's like. My symptoms were spot on with Noro symptoms. And I tell you what, I wouldn't wish that on anyone! I have read that it is HIGHLY contagious so I have been staying in my bedroom and away from the main areas of the house, making sure the kids are nowhere near me or my bathroom. Apparently the virus can live on surfaces up to 2 weeks! Yuck! So as soon as I feel a little more pep in my step, I'll be disinfecting everything. I would feel TERRIBLE if my kids were to get this!

Of course I couldn't get sick during one of the many cold and horrible April weeks we had. Nope, it's sunny and warm now and I've been in bed instead of out enjoying it. Oh well. So it goes.

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